
The Original Todo.txt Spec

Todo.txt is a text-based todo list format originally created by Lifehacker founder, Gina Trapani. She still maintains the todotxt.org website, which lists dozens of applications for managing Todo.txt files.

Open Todo

(A) 2016-05-20 2016-04-30 measure space for +chapelShelving @chapel due:2016-05-30

Completed Todo

x (A) 2016-05-20 2016-04-30 measure space for +chapelShelving @chapel due:2016-05-30

Source: https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt

List Example

(A) Call Mom @Phone +Family
(A) Schedule annual checkup +Health
(B) Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer
(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports
Plan backyard herb garden @Home
Pick up milk @GroceryStore
Research self-publishing services +Novel @Computer
x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone

Source: http://todotxt.org/todo.txt

Toodles: The Extended Spec

Toodles supports all of the features present in the Todo.txt examples above while defining several new features of its own.

These features come in different flavours. There are those that are lifted straight from Todo.txt, those that are new to Toodles but do not break compatibility with Todo.txt, those that are new to Toodles and which do break compatibility (marked as Todo.txt incompatible below) and those that fall into a "non-strict" scope which are incompatible with the Todo.txt spec and also break some of its quality of life features like alphabetized sorting.

NOTE: These flavours may be better named in the future as Compatible, Strict and Full; where Compatible features are those that will work with most clients built to the Todo.txt spec, Strict features are those which are incompatible but maintain the spirit of and quality of life features of the Todo.txt spec, and Full features are those which deviate from the spec entirely and require more sophisticated tools to be worked with. It is possible to mix features such that your own usage fits none of these specs and is instead Mixed.

Subtasks/Nesting (Toodles - non-strict - Experimental)

Marked as non-strict due to the effects this has on sorting. Nested lists require a more advanced sorting algorithm.

Spring cleaning
    Clear gutters
    Paint upstairs bathroom


Done (Todo.txt)

x Done

Focus (Toodles - Todo.txt incompatible)

! The focus modifier highlights a task in bold; it will sort to the top of your list

Obsolete (Toodles - Todo.txt incompatible)

~ Useful for adding notes

Padded (Toodles - non-strict)

Marked as non-strict due to the effects this has on sorting; as a general rule, just don't mix padded and unpadded list items in the same document.

- Same as a standard list item; use if you want alignment with done/obsolete tasks

Priority (Todo.txt)

(A) Most important
(B) Important
(C) Less important
Least important


Created (Todo.txt)

2024-09-01 Created

Due (Toodles)

2024-09-01 2024-09-30 Due

Completed (Todo.txt)

x 2024-09-02 2024-09-01 Completed
x 2024-09-02 2024-09-01 2024-09-30 Completed with a due date


Contexts (Todo.txt)


Projects (Todo.txt)


Hashtags (Toodles)


Custom Tags (Todo.txt)


Interactive Tags (Toodles)

These interactive tags work with the Toodles desktop app.






The every tag will generate a new todo when the current one is checked off. It will determine the new date based on either the due date, if present, the created date or the current date. In the Toodles app, the newly generated todo will have a created and new due date added automatically.

~ daily
~ every 3 days starting from due date, created date or today
~ weekly
~ every 3 weeks starting from due date, created date or today
~ alias for every:2weeks
~ monthly
~ every 3 months starting from due date, created date or today
~ yearly
~ every 3 years starting from due date, created date or today
~ every Thursday starting from due date, created date or today
~ every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting from due date, created date or today
~ alias for every:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday

Shopping Lists

Price (Toodles)

£1.50 Milk

Multiplier (Toodles)

£0.30 Eggs x6

Markdown Support (Toodles - non-strict - Experimental)

Marked as non-strict due to the effects this has on searchability.

**Bold** _emphasized_ [link](https://toodles.thombruce.com/spec) and `inline code`